Riva D, Fanı M, Benedetti MG, Scarsini A, Rocca F, Mamo C. Effects of High-Frequency Proprioceptive Training on Single Stance
Riva, D, Bianchi, R, Rocca, F, Mamo, C. Proprioceptive training and injury prevention in a professional men’s basketball team: a
Riva, D, Mamo, et al. Single stance stability and proprioceptive control in older adults living at home: Gender and age
Schiavi, A, Germak, A, Mazzoleni, F, and Riva, D. Metrological characterization of rocking boards and postural readers to assess single
Riva, D, Rossitto, F, and Battocchio, L. Postural muscle atrophy prevention and recovery and bone remodeling through high-frequency proprioception for